Raw Honey, Lemon and Ginger Stacked & Shaken
January 2022
— Top 5 Favourite Home Remedies —
By Dr. Danielle Caruk
This is a favourite in our house for cold and flu. I raise bees and enjoy their many benefits in-cluding raw honey. Raw honey, besides its distinctive flavour, is rich in antioxidants which are helpful in removing free radicals from the body. In Chinese Medicine honey's uses include as a laxative (has a natural scraping effect on the intestines clearing away toxic build-up), as a de-mulcent (soothing and softening inflamed membranes), as an emollient (in the treatment of chronic bronchitis), and as a remedy for dry throat and mouth. Lemon, ginger and honey all contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties and strongly support the immune system. Lemons are a secretagogue-a substance that promotes secretion-which encourages the liquidation of mucus. Lemons clear, alkalize and detox and act upon the liver, kidney, urine tract, blood and mouth. Ginger naturally warms the body, stimulates digestion, supports circulation. Honey, gin-ger and lemon all lower high blood pressure. Fresh ginger is a natural antibiotic that works to dis-pel phlegm and cold. This mixture is handy to have around as a general preventative during the cold & flu season. It's very tasty and ends up in a lot of different beverages including some soda water on a hot summers day for a tasty and beneficial ginger ale.
Wash 2 organic lemons cutting out any blemishes on the rind. Cut off each end and slice re-moving seeds.
Wash fresh ginger and dry. Scape skin off gently with a spoon and cut out blemishes. Slice.
Warm approximately 1 cup of raw honey, do not warm honey above 90 as this will kill poten-tial beneficial bacteria.
Layer 2-3 slices of lemon in the jar and a couple of pieces of ginger and then a few spoonfuls of honey. Repeat until the jar is full. Cap and shake gently.
Refrigerate overnight to allow ingredients to marinate and flavours to infuse.
Shake gently before use. Add one or two teaspoons to a mug of warm water and drink im-mediately.
Refrigerate for up to 2 months (In all the years I have been giving this to my family it has NEV-ER made it that long)
*Do not give raw honey to babies under 1 year of age*

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- Raw Honey, Lemon and Ginger Stacked & Shaken
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