Castor Oil Medicinals
July 2022
Castor oil medicinals date back as far as 3500 years ago. It is used internally and externally. Castor seed is native to India. The oil is made by pressing the seeds that are rich in ricinoleic acid which make up 90% of the oil's benefits. Castor oil has analgesic, anti inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal benefits making it an amazing multi-purpose natural remedy.
What is A Castor Oil Pack?
A castor oil pack is a piece of cloth that can hold a large amount of liquid that has been soaked in castor oil and put on the skin, usually used with a source of heat such as a hot water bottle or heating pad.
Promotes circulation and lymphatic function
It is a highly effective home remedy to improve circulation throughout the body, particularly in the lymphatic system. The ricinoleic acid targets the lymphatic system helping the body increase production of lymphocytes (the body's natural disease fighter). They help drain the body of any toxins and proteins that have built up over time. Ridding the body of these accumulated waste in the blood can improve the immune system. To encourage lymphatic circulation and lymph node drainage, place the pack on the lymph glands located near the upper back and neck, armpits, shoulders and groin area.
Aids Liver function
Castor oil packs optimize liver function (the body's main cleanser, detoxify and mover of energy). When the Liver is congested it will manifest as physical and mental health issues, skin issues, digestive disturbances, hormone imbalances and fatty liver disease. Place the pack on the liver with some heat.
Reduces Bloating and Constipation
Orally castor oil acts as a laxative and can relieve constipation and empty the stomach. It is possible to have adverse reactions from taking the oil internally so my favourite way to use castor oil for constipation is as an external warm pack. The pack relieves bloating, abdominal pain and constipation and can regulate the consistency and frequency of movements.
Eases Muscle And Joint Pain
Castor oil packs are used to reduce muscle and joint inflammation. Inflammatory conditions, pain and congestion and autoimmune disorders affect muscles and joints. The oil's ability to encourage fluid to drain reduces the load of white blood cells attaching the tissue. This reduces the inflammation and pain.
Assists with Menstrual Cycle
Castor oil is traditionally classified as an emmenagogue; it's thought to encourage blood flow and circulation to stimulate menstrual flow. A warm pack during the right time of your cycle can reduce abdominal inflammation and pain. The draining effect leads to increased blood flow and circulation that oxygenates cells and vital organs. This with some food recommendations lead to healthier menstrual cycles.
Improves Skin And Encourages Tissue Healing
Castor oil is thick and emollient rich. The fatty acid in the oil soothes redness puffiness and itching. It is absorbed into the skin and used by the body to heal and rejuvenate tissues and cells. It's not laden with chemicals and parabens that can disrupt the endocrine system. It can heal dry, chapped lips and skin, is helpful for and plump up fine lines and wrinkles. It is used as a makeup cleanser and remover and portends to be a natural hair elixir; thickening hair and spurring on growth.
There are some precautions for using castor oil especially internally. Ingesting the oil can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramping, amongst other side effects. In addition, some people are allergic to castor oil so do a patch test before external use. Avoid using castor oil if you're breastfeeding. If you are pregnant consult your midwife or other healthcare provider before use.
Take Away
Castor oil has been shown to increase circulation and promote elimination and healing of tissues and organs underneath the skin. It is particularly effective in being absorbed into the lymph circulation which can improve digestion, immune function and reduce swelling in injured joints and extremities. It is useful for menstrual irregularities, cysts, excess toxicity, muscle and joint pain and inflammation and sluggish Liver function.
How To Make a Castor Oil Pack
- unbleached wool, cotton fabric, or flannel cloth cut into rectangular pieces, about 12 inches by 10 inches. You can also cut them into strips or smaller squares depending on where you'll use them.
- castor oil, (some naturopaths recommend hexane free oil)
- hot water bottle or heating pad (best with damp heat but use what you have)
- medium sized bowl and tongs
- plastic wrap of some type (plastic, garbage bag, shower curtain)
- Place the cloth in the bowel and pour a generous quantity of castor oil until the cloth is saturated
- Cut a piece of plastic 2" larger than the cloth and lift the soaked cloth onto the plastic
- Place the soaked cloth side down over the affected area; for example, for constipation or other digestive problems you'll likely place it over your stomach area, for menstrual cramps (before menses) place below umbilicus, for Liver congestion place over liver, for lymph congestion place just before lymph area (lower umbilicus, breasts).
- Place heating pad / hot water bottle over plastic and set on low heat for 30-60 minutes
- Rest / Meditate / Do what brings you Peace while pack is in place; careful not to fall asleep with heating pad on as it may burn/aggravate the skin
- After removal rub any excess into skin and gently cleanse the area with warm damp towel
- The castor oil pack can be stored in an airtight container and refrigerated and reused up to 30 times
- Apply the pack at least 1 - 3 times per week depending on ailment
- Castor oil is messy and can stain so be sure to have towels and clothes you might not mind becoming stained.
- Do not use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or menstrual bleeding unless you have consulted your health care provider
- Some people may be allergic to castor oil so do a patch test first
- Don't heat the castor oil pack in the microwave
- Don't use castor oil packs on a recent injury or on open irritated skin

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