10 Superfoods to Boost Your Immune System
September 2021
Meat causes phlegm, fish brings heat,
Green veggies and tofu keep you upbeat – Chinese Folk Rhyme
In the morning, choose quality
At noon, choose quantity
In the evening, choose simplicity
Diseases enter into the body through the mouth!
Most disorders in the body are related to wrong diets. Ideally, your diet, along with regular, moderate exercise and healthy mind and spirit will keep you from getting sick in the first place. To maintain good health, proper eating habits are essential.
How your food is grown/raised has major impacts on our physical, mental and emotional health as well as the overall global environment. Organic/clean foods often have more beneficial nutrients and antioxidants. People with health issues of all kinds find their symptoms are positively affected when they switch to a clean eating, organic lifestyle.
"10 SUPERFOODS" that are particularly effective in boosting the body's natural defences".
Beets – Resists infection, boosts cellular intake or oxygen, and treats disorders of the blood, liver and immune system. They contain a bit of almost all the valuable vitamins and minerals a person needs. Their long list of potentials include: keeps blood pressure in check, fights inflammation, improves digestion and athletic performance, supports brain health and weight-loss and have anti-cancer properties.
Leafy Greens – Dark, leafy greens like kale and spinach are great sources of vitamin A, C and Calcium. They are rich in several phytochemical that guard against bacterial and viral infection, heart disease and cancer. The also add fibre into the diet which is great for a healthy functioning colon; efficient pooping!
Cruciferous Vegetables – These include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards green kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radishes and turnips. They are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and phytochemical including indoles, thiocyanates and nitriles which prevent against certain'
Grapefruit – A powerful detoxifier, helping rid the body of harmful microbes and strengthening the immune system against further attack. It may also aid tissue repair and help resist in the growth of tumours.
Avocado – Packed with energy and immune-boosting phytochemical that can help guard against certain cancers and prevent fungal diseases. It stabilizes blood fats and helps maintain blood pressure.
Nuts – Great sources of plant proteins and good fats. Some varieties like Brazilian nuts are rich in selenium and vitamin E – two powerful antioxidants with anti-aging properties that can help guard against many disorders including heart disease and cancer.
Fermented Foods – Yogurts, sauerkraut, kombucha, apple cider vinegar and kimchi are just some of the options for live cultured probiotics. These "good bacteria" protect the body from more harmful bacteria and help our immune system to run smoothly and balance our mental health.
Garlic – Protects against a wide range of bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. It also strengthens the heart and blood vessels and helps prevent cancer.
Mushrooms – Anti-inflammatory and contain high levels of beta-glucan compounds that keep immune cells alert. They contain powerful antioxidants that help lower body-wide inflammation. Their medicinal uses date back thousands of years and are known to combat infection and protect against heart disease.
Fresh Ginger – Speeds blood circulation and secretion of stomach fluids, stimulates intestinal tract and promotes digestion. In can also increase blood pressure.

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