Are you using all the tools in your 'Health Box'?
December 2021
It is not surprising that over the past 2 years stress and anxiety have sky rocketed. The compounded effect of Covid and its subsequent divisiveness and restrictions have left everyone feeling agitated and out of sorts. Right on its heals is the upcoming holiday season with its own emotional upheavals and excitement. Stress and anxiety manifests in each person uniquely depending on their pre-existing imbalance. We are living in a time where our sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) is constantly "on". This manifests in sleep disturbances, digestive upsets, headaches, muscle tension, raging premenstrual symptoms, emotional fragility and a despondence that pervades our quality of life.
However, do not despair – Chinese Medicine has some great tools that will not only stimulate our parasympathetic nervous system (rest & digest or feed & breed) but balance us as a whole (can you say YES to that 'toolbox'?).
Acupuncture stimulates the vagus nerve and regulates the circadian rhythm of the body (sleep cycle). Better quality of sleep equals more energy and allows our hormones and metabolism to function optimally. Say hello to needing less stimulants like coffee and sugar, better weight management and smooth healthy menstrual cycles. Yay!!
Specific foods, herbs and acupuncture regulate and strengthen your immune function so that nutritional uptake is optimized, bowel movements are normal (got to love a good poop!) and energy is consistent and abundant.
Stretching, massage and acupuncture ease stagnant energy in the body. Especially this time of year we see signs and symptoms of tightness, pain, restriction, anger, frustration, horrid menstrual cycles, debilitating headaches and a desire to escape the madness or rage against it all. Everything feels "stuck". Chinese Medicine knows the magic doors that move and disperse all that pent up energy. The palatable ease of tension is felt by both the patient and the practitioner during a session.
If you haven't experienced the myriad benefits of Chinese Medicine, what are you waiting for? Most insurance companies cover acupuncture, massage and chiropractic. These are the tools in your 'Health Box'. Now is the time to use them.

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- Are you using all the tools in your 'Health Box'?
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