Essential Oils
Essential oils support the therapeutic outcome of the treatment. Oils excel in their ability to shift mood almost instantaneously and deeply nourish our physiology.
When working with essential oils, quality is key. A good essential oil is paramount to getting the full medicinal effects. My five rules of thumb are these:
- They are 100% pure. A lot of companies will add other oils and impurities and degrade the quality. You can test for quality and purity by doing a 60 second test. Put one drop of oil on the palm of your hand and rub together for 60 seconds. At the end of the 60 seconds, there should be no residue left. If there is, your oil is not pure.
- The plant is harvested in its native land
- The plants are grown as close to organic as possible
- They are harvested at a time when their therapeutic effect is at its maximum
- They are tested for impurities every step of the way