How Can Branch to Root Help You?

I have been practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture for over 15 years. Using proven methods to bring about whole-body balance, my focus is on ongoing health, not just temporary relief. I provide one-to-one treatments and care plans that are tailored to your symptoms and geared towards treating the root of your health issues.

I do not divide my time between you and other patients being treated, thus, ensuring your pain relief and health conditions are treated while you heal in a safe and comfortable environment.

I take a modern approach to the ancient practices of TCM by working within an integrative medicine clinic where treatments are tailored to the individual, ensuring your best care, support, education and prevention.

I invite you to go beyond your symptoms and effect real change in your health. Let me lead and support you in your healing process. Call 403.995.4640 to book an appointment or contact me directly at for more information.